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12th Century Hymn
14th Century
14th Century German Carol
15th Century
15th Century Carol
15th Century Combinative Chansons
16th Century
17th Century
4th Century Catholic Prayer
Abram J. Ryan
Acts 1
Adela Florence Nicolson
Adhan (Call to Worship)
Adrian Dunn
Alabados of New Mexico, The
Alannah Guevara
Albert Einstein
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Allen Ginsburg
American Folk Song
American Folk Songs for Children (1948)
Amidah blessings
Amos 5
Amy Lowell
Ancient Latin
Ancient Music of Ireland, The
Ancient Sanskrit
Ancient Text
Angelic Hymn
Anglo-American folk song
Anita Kupriss
Anne Baring
Anne Weiss
Antiphon for Maundy Thursday
Armorial Motto
Ashkenazi prayer book
Ben Jonson
Benediciones Mensae
Benjamin Britten
Bill Heigen
Bliss Carman
Book of Common Prayer
Book of Hours
Brandon Wint
Brian Field
Brian Newhouse
Caitlin Kenzie Scott
Canticle 14 of Manasseh
Carl Sandburg
Carlos Cordero
Carmina Gadelica
Carol Ann Duffy
Caroline Mallonee
Caroline Mallonée
Catherine Dalton
Chantal Sellers
Charles Anthony Silvestri
Charles Baudelaire
Charles Wesley
Chris Hutchings
Christina Rossetti
Christmas Day Responsory at Matins
Christopher Marlowe
Christopher Rust
Christopher Wordsworth
Claudia Serea
Clement of Alexandria
Collection of Poetry, A
Combination of syllables
Constantine Cavafy
Cornhuskers (1918)
D. Geoffrey Bell
D. H. Lawrence
Dan-Erik Slocum
Daniel Potts
Dante Alighieri
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Dark of the Moon
David Owen-Bell
David Wolman
Deanna Witkowski
Death Row Inmates
Declaration of Independence
Deedra Van Ness
Denice M. Rippentrop
Denice Rippentrop
Denise Levertov
Deuteronomy 6:4
Diamond Sutra
Dorothy Parker
Douglas Hyde
Dylan Thomas
E. E. Cummings
E. Pauline Johnson
Edgar Allan Poe
Edith Nesbit
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Eduard Mörike
Edward Lear
Eleanor Wilner
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Ellen Frankel
Emily Dickinson
Emma Lazarus
Ernest Charles
Euan Tait
Eucharistic Chant
F. S. Flint
Fahad Siadat
Fall of America
Feast of the Ascension
Feast of the Transfiguration
Fletcher LaVallee Bartholomew
Fleurs Du Mal, Les
For the Sexes
Francesco Petrarch
Fujiwara no Tameie
G. K. Chesterton
G.D.K. — not further identified
Garden of Love, The
Gary Soto
Genesis 1
George Atwell
George Edwin Smith
George Gordon, Lord Byron
George Herbert
George Herbert (1593–1633)
Georgia Douglas Johnson
Gerald Cohen
Gerard Manley Hopkins
German Hymn
Gertrude Stein
Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Giorgio La Pira
Glenn Simonelli
Gordon E. Abshire
Gordon Thornett
Gospel of John
Gregorian chant
H. P. Lovecraft
Hannu Salakka
Harriet Monroe
Harrison B. Merrill
Harry Hopkins
Hebrew Liturgy
Heinrich Heine
Henry Van Dyke
Henry Vaughan
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Herman Melville
Hilaire Belloc
Hildegard von Bingen
Holy Thursday
Howard Frazin
Hymn for Lauds
Hymn for Matins
I Corinthians 13
I Corinthians 5
II Samuel 18
Ib ’Arabi
Inspirational Hymns & Melodies (1875)
Isaac Watts
Isaiah 12
Isaiah 40
Isaiah 55
Isaiah 60
Jack Ballard
James Iwasuk
James Weldon Johnson
Jamie Klenetsky Fay
Janine Wanée
Jason A. Heald
Jeffrey Bernstein
Jessica Rudman
Jewish Liturgy
Jill Clymer
Jimmy Carter
Joan E. Thomas
Joanne Gunnerson
Job 25
Johan Franck
John 1
John 1:4–5
John 8
John Alexander Vidovic
John Donne
John Francis Wade (1711-86)
John Gardiner Brainard
John Greenleaf Whittier
John Henry, Cardinal Newman
John Keats
John Mason Neale (trans.)
John Milne
John Muir
Jones Very
Joseph Brackett
Joseph Freiherr Von Eichendorff
Joseph Mohr
Julia Margaret Cameron
Julie Flanders
Julie Flett
Kahlil Gibran
Kao Kalia Yang
Karen Siegel
Kathleen Flenniken
Keane Southard
Kendra Preston Leonard
Kenneth Patchen
Lamentations 5
Lamiya Safarova
Latin Antiphon
Latin Chant
Latin Hymn
Latin mass text
Laurence Housman
Leaves of Grass
Leviticus 19
Li Po
Liber Usualis
Life Magazine, Dec. 7, 1922
List of Archeological Findings
Liturgical Latin
Louise Amelia Knapp Smith Clappe
Love Songs
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Luke 1
Luke 2
Luke 23
Luke Flynn
Lydia Davis
Malina Rauschenfels
Marcus Manilius
Maria Rika Maniates (trans.)
Marina and Joshua Fishbein
Marjorie Pickthall
Mark 15
Mark Twain
Martin Loridan
Martin Luther
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Mary Elizabeth Frye
Masonic Funeral Ritual
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Matins of Christmas
Matsuo Basho
Matthew 21
Matthew 6
Medieval Bestiaries
Medieval Latin Hymn
Melanie Stapleton
Meng Hao Jan
Micah 6
Michael Bussewitz-Quarm
Michael J. Nicosia
Michael Sells (trans)
Michael T Roberts
Mike and Peggy Seeger
Mishle (Book of Proverbs)
Mohamed Assaf
Mohja Kahf
Molecular Configuration..., Nature v. 171
Molly Joyce
My Country
N. Scott Momaday
Naseem Rakha
Nathan Brown
Navajo prayer
Neapolitan Carol
Newfoundland Folk Song
O Antiphons
O Antiphons (metrical paraphrase)
Offertory procession
Olive Custance
On-line blogs compiled by the composer
Ordinary of the Mass
Pablo Neruda
Pageant of the Shearmen and Tailors
Passover Haggadah
Patricia Kirkpatrick
Patricia Rose
Patrick Lartigue
Patrick Phillips
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Paulinus of Aquileia
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Petrie Collection
Philippians 4 (adapted)
Phineas Fletcher
Phraya-sri-soon-torn-woa-haan (Noi)
Pictures of the Floating World
Presidential Speeches
Prophet, The
Psalm 100
Psalm 102
Psalm 106
Psalm 109
Psalm 112
Psalm 130
Psalm 132
Psalm 133
Psalm 137
Psalm 148
Psalm 22
Psalm 23
Psalm 27
Psalm 36
Psalm 39
Psalm 4
Psalm 46
Psalm 51
Psalm 55
Psalm 6
Psalm 72
Psalm 95 (96)
Psalm 98
Psalms 36:9
Queen Elizabeth I
R. Franklin & R. G. Gosling
Rabindranath Tagore
Rabindranth Tagore
Rabi’a of Basra
Rachel Barenblat
Rainer Maria Rilke
Rebecca Pugh
Rebekah Driscoll
Reginald of Canterbury
Requiem Mass
Responsory for Good Friday
Rev. John Williamson
Reversing the Spell: New and Selected Poems
Ricardo R. Garcia
Rich Campbell
Richard Crashaw
Richard Lewis
Richard Shanne (attrb)
Richard Shelton
Robert Bode
Robert Dwyer Joyce (alt)
Robert Frost
Robert Herrick
Robert Laurence Binyon
Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert Lowry
Robert Paterson
Robert Service
Robin Muir-Miller
Roman Breviary (8th C.)
Ronald W. Cadmus
Rose, The
Rowan Williams
Ryan Heller
Samuel Pellman
Sanskrit Mantra
Santa Teresa de Ávila
Santa Teresa del Ávila
Sara Teasdale
Sarah May
Sarah Orne Jewett
Sarum chant
Sayings of Malala
Secretary Shōtetsu
Shaker Music
Shantel Sellers
Shokugo-shuui-wakashuu, 406
Smoke and Steel (1920)
Song of Solomon
Song of Solomon (adapt.)
Song of Solomon 1
Song of Solomon 2
Song of Solomon 4
Song of Solomon 6
Song of Solomon 8
Song of Songs
Song of Songs 3
Song of the Mystic
Songs of Experience
Songs of Innocence
Sonnet 130
Sor Juana Inés de La Cruz
Speeches and letters of Susan B. Anthony
Spring and All (1923)
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Joseph the Hymnographer
St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi
St. Thomas Aquinas
Stephane Mallarme
Stephen Crane
Stephen Langton: Archbishop of Canterbury
Steve Danielson
Story of the Amulet, The
Susan Cooper
Susan Edwards Richmond
Susan Jordan
Sword Blades and Poppy Seed (1914)
Syro-Malabar Liturgy
Theodore Roethke
Thomas Hardy
Thomas Lux
Thomas Moore
Todd Boss
Tom Barrett
Tom Clarke
Traditional Aztec
Traditional English Carol
Traditional French
Traditional Japanese
Traditional Jewish
Traditional Spirituals
Transcripts of Senatorial hearings
Turku University
Twelfth Night
U.S. Congressional Record (1984)
Vespers Hymn
Virginia Woolf
Voyager spacecraft
W. Chatterton Dix
Walt Whitman
Walter Hard
Walter Raleigh
Walter de la Mare
Wendell Berry
Wendy MacLean
Wessobrunn Prayer
Wild Berries
Wild Knight, The (1900)
William Blake
William Butler Yeats
William Carlos Williams
William Dickey
William Morris
William Reichard
William Shakespeare
William Stanley Braithwaite
William Wordsworth
Williaume li Viniers
Zadok Alon
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